Monday, January 24, 2011


OMG... it is really cold today... around minus 2.. thinking that maybe a move to somewhere warmer might not be a bad idea. Now that my husband has no job and I still work from home there is probably nothing stopping us except that I really do love the Berkshires. I am still venting about Tom's loss of a job... times have really changed when an employer has no remorse about letting an employee of 40 years go with out notice or explanation... I guess that Tom will not get a retirement party!! Maybe I will make one for him in the spring. I think that really large companies don't appreciated loyalty any more. So I am busy gathering names of children's Boutiques that might be interested in my Cute as a Button line and regular stores that might want to carry my Southfield Designs jewelry line. Too bad I don't really know anyone that can help me with that.. a few friends have given me suggestions but I would rather have root canal then approach stores where they don't know me..I guess that it is time for a root canal!!!

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